570 research outputs found

    Repertório do proprietário : o fundamento profundo da pequena empresa sustentável

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Armando João Dalla CostaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Econômico. Defesa: Curitiba, 09/12/2011Bibliografia: fls. 127-129Resumo: Diante dos dados do SEBRAE/SP (2010) indicando que apenas 42% da empresas paulistanas permanecem ativas após cinco anos de sua abertura, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo identificar um "fundamento profundo" que uma vez observado possa contribuir para a elevação do índice de sucesso das Pequenas e Médias Empresas. No desenvolvimento do trabalho foram utilizados basicamente dois tipos de metodologias. A primeira foi o embasamento teórico ( neoclássico e neoschumpeteriano ) com ênfase na Teoria Evolucionária (Nelson e Winter) e na Teoria do Crescimento da Firma (Penrose) e outras referências. A segunda metodologia envolveu a análise de dados do SEBRAE, do GEM, da Associação Brasileira de Franquias e uma pesquisa de campo. Desta investigação foi possível apreender as principais causas do baixo índice de sucesso (elevado índice de mortalidade precoce) das Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PME), bem como, aspectos fundamentais para a sustentabilidade econômica das empresas, sendo os mais relevantes: a) Os Repertórios (Rotinas e habilidades); b) As estratégias, estruturas e aptidões (essenciais e dinâmicas); c) O potencial e o uso dos serviços produtivos na identificação e aproveitamento das oportunidades produtivas; d) Os princípios eternos das empresas visionárias (preservação do núcleo central e estímulo ao progresso); e) O esforço que deve ser feito pelos novos pequenos empresários durante o processo de sua transição para o universo do "mundo de dono de um negócio". Deste contexto e associado à crescente participação dos modelos de negócio de franquias, foi possível vislumbrar a presença exuberante dos postulados evolucionários, em especial do REPERTÓRIO (rotinas e habilidades), na trajetória das empresas e na atuação dos proprietários de empresas bem sucedidas (sustentáveis economicamente). Concluiu-se o trabalho, qualificando a execução disciplinada do "Repertório do Proprietário" como o Fundamento Profundo da PME sustentável.Abstract: In function of data¢¥s SEBRAE / SP (2010) indicating that only 42% of Sao Paulo¢¥s companies remain active after five years of its opening, this study aims to identify a "deep foundation" that once seen can contribute to the increase of the index success of small and medium enterprises. In developing this work were used basically two types of methodologies. The first was the theoretical foundation (neoclassical and neoschumpeterian) with emphasis on the Evolutionary Theory (Nelson and Winter) and on the Theory of the Growth of the Firm (Penrose) and other references. The second methodology uses the analysis of data SEBRAE, GEM, the Brazilian Association of Franchises and field research. From this investigation was possible to identify the main causes of low success rate (high rate of early mortality) of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), as well as the keys to the economic sustainability of the companies, which the most relevant are: a) directories (routines and skills); b) the strategies, structures and skills (essential and dynamic); c) the potential use of services and productive in identifying and exploiting productive opportunities; d) the eternal principles of visionary companies (preserving the core and encouragement to progress); e) the effort that must be made by the new small business owners during the transition into the world of the "world of a business owner". In this context and associated with the increasing participation of the business model of franchising, it was possible to discern the presence of exuberant evolutionary assumptions, in particular repertory (routines and skill), the trajectory in the performance of companies and business owners successful (economically sustainable). We conclude the work describing the disciplined execution of the "Owner.s Repertory¡± as the foundation's deep sustainable of SMEs

    Assessing satisfaction in simulation among nursing students: psychometric properties of the Satisfaction with Simulation Experience - Italian Version scale

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    Background: The Satisfaction with Simulation Experience scale is a 5-point Likert scale that measures students' satisfaction in medium and high-fidelity simulation scenarios. This study aims at investigating the psychometric properties of the Satisfaction with Simulation Experience - Italian Version scale. Methods: A multi-centre cross-sectional study was conducted. The scale was administered to a sample of 266 undergraduate nursing students from two Italian universities after attending a medium- and high-fidelity simulation session in November 2022 and March 2023. Cronbach's alpha coefficient and item-total correlation were sorted out to assess internal consistency and reliability. The test-retest method was used as a measure of scale stability over time as well as the confirmatory factor analysis to verify construct validity. Results: The Cronbach's alpha value was 0.94 for the overall scale, indicating excellent reliability, and it was 0.84 or higher for each subscales, indicating good reliability. A large correlation coefficient of 0.60 or higher was found between each item and its subscale and between each item and the overall scale score. A medium test-retest correlation coefficient was found for most items (r > 0.30). The confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the factorial structure found in the original study. Conclusions: Satisfaction is an important teaching and learning quality indicator along with the achievement of learning outcomes in simulation. The Satisfaction with Simulation Experience - Italian Version scale showed good reliability and validity; therefore, it could be a useful tool to assess simulation impact in Italian nursing students. The extensive utilization of the Satisfaction with Simulation Experience scale, along with its various validated versions, could facilitate assessing satisfaction in simulation across diverse contexts and enable comparisons of findings across studies in different countries

    Genetic control of the number of days to flowering in common bean

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic control of early flowering in common bean. Crosses weremade between the parents Pérola and BRS Radiante and between ESAL 506 and Preto 60 dias. The segregating generations,F3, F2BC11 and F2BC12 of each cross were evaluated in experiments with two replications. F3 plants of both crosses wererandomly taken, and F3:4 progenies evaluated for the trait number of days to flowering. There was good adjustment to theadditive-dominant model of both crosses. The dominance effect was lower than the additive effect in the trait control and, whenpresent, it reduced the number of days to flowering. The value of realized heritability (h2R) was similar in both crosses andlower than the h2 estimated for selection among F3:4 progenies. There were indications that aside from the environmental effecton the trait expression, the genotype-environment interaction was also significant

    Thyroid gland primary leiomyosarcoma

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    Aproximadamente 15% a 20% dos sarcomas ocorrem na região da cabeça e pescoço, 80% em adultos, sendo apenas 0,014% leiomiossarcomas primários de tireoide. Existem apenas 16 casos relatados no mundo, dos quais não há nenhum em nosso meio. São tumores com diagnóstico citológico pré-operatório difícil e podem ser confundidos com outras lesões mais comuns da tireoide, como carcinomas anaplásicos e medulares. O tratamento ideal ainda não está bem definido, visto que o prognóstico é ruim e a cirurgia radical associada à quimioterapia e à radioterapia adjuvantes não demonstra melhora nas taxas de recorrência e sobrevida. Relatou-se um caso de leiomiossarcoma primário da glândula tireoide em um paciente jovem, submetido a tireoidectomia total e esvaziamento cervical, associado à radioterapia adjuvante e realizou-se uma extensa revisão da literatura existente sobre o tema. Houve boa evolução pós-operatória, sem sinais de recidiva após quatro anos de seguimento.Despite the fact that 15% to 20% of sarcomas occur in the head and neck and 80% in adults, only 0.014% are primary thyroid leiomyosarcomas. To the best of our knowledge, only 16 cases have been reported around the world, none in South America. Cytologic diagnosis is challenging and these tumors may be mistaken by more common ones such as anaplastic or medullary carcinomas. The treatment of choice for thyroid leiomyosarcomas is not well established yet because of its poor prognosis. Radical surgery associated with chemoradiotherapy has not been effective and did not improve survival rates. The authors report a case of primary thyroid leiomyosarcoma in a young male, who has been submitted to total thyroidectomy and selective neck dissection. Extensive literature review was performed by the authors. The patient received adjuvant radiotherapy, presenting good postoperative course. After four years evolution, there was no local recurrence or distant metastasis


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    Objectives: The objective of this study was to identify specific histopathological features of skeletal muscle involvement in systemic sclerosis (SSc) patients. Methods: A total of 35 out of 112 SSc-patients (32%, including 81% female and 68% diffuse scleroderma) presenting clinical, biological and electromyographic (EMG) features of muscle weakness, were included. Patients underwent vastus lateralis biopsy, assessed for individual pathologic features including fibrosis [type I collagen (Coll-I), transforming growth factor β (TGF-β)], microangiopathy [cluster of differentiation 31 (CD31), pro-angiogenic vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A), anti-angiogenic VEGF-A165b], immune/ inflammatory response [CD4, CD8, CD20, human leucocyte antigens ABC (HLA-ABC)], and membranolytic attack complex (MAC). SSc biopsies were compared with biopsies of (n = 35) idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIMs) and to (n = 35) noninflammatory myopathies (NIMs). Ultrastructural abnormalities of SSc myopathy were also analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Results: Fibrosis in SSc myopathy (81%) is higher compared with IIM (32%, p < 0.05) and with NIM (18%, p < 0.05). Vascular involvement is dominant in SSc muscle (92%), and in IIM (78%) compared with NIM (21%, p < 0.05). In particular, CD31 shows loss of endomysial vessels in SSc myopathy compared with IIM (p < 0.05) and with NIM (p < 0.01). VEGF-A is downregulated in SSc myopathy compared with IIM (p < 0.05) and NIM (p < 0.05). Conversely, VEGF-A165b is upregulated in SSc myopathy. The SSc immune/inflammatory response suggested humoral process with majority (85%) HLA-ABC fibral neoexpression and complement deposits on endomysial capillaries MAC, compared with IIM (p < 0.05), characterized by CD4+/CD8+/B-cell infiltrate, and NIM (p < 0.05). TEM analysis showed SSc vascular alterations consisting of thickening and lamination of basement membrane and endothelial cell ‘swelling’ coupled to endomysial/perimysial fibrosis. Conclusions: Fibrosis, microangiopathy and humoral immunity are predominant in SSc myopathy, even if it is difficult to identify specific histopathological hallmarks of muscle involvement in SSc, since they could be present also in other (IIM/NIM) myopathies. © 2016, © The Author(s), 2016

    Postgrafting administration of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor impairs functional immune recovery in recipients of human leukocyte antigen haplotype–mismatched hematopoietic transplants

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    AbstractIn human leukocyte antigen haplotype–mismatched transplantation, extensive T-cell depletion prevents graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) but delays immune recovery. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) is given to donors to mobilize stem cells and to recipients to ensure engraftment. Studies have shown that G-CSF promotes T-helper (Th)-2 immune deviation which, unlike Th1 responses, does not protect against intracellular pathogens and fungi. The effect of administration of G-CSF to recipients of mismatched hematopoietic transplants with respect to transplantation outcome and functional immune recovery was investigated. In 43 patients with acute leukemia who received G-CSF after transplantation, the engraftment rate was 95%. However, the patients had a long-lasting type 2 immune reactivity, ie, Th2-inducing dendritic cells not producing interleukin 12 (IL-12) and high frequencies of IL-4– and IL-10–producing CD4+ cells not expressing the IL-12 receptor β2 chain. Similar immune reactivity patterns were observed on exposure of donor cells to G-CSF. Elimination of postgrafting administration of G-CSF in a subsequent series of 36 patients with acute leukemia, while not adversely affecting engraftment rate (93%), resulted in the anticipated appearance of IL-12–producing dendritic cells (1-3 months after transplantation versus > 12 months in transplant recipients given G-CSF), of CD4+ cells of a mixed Th0/Th1 phenotype, and of antifungal T-cell reactivity in vitro. Moreover, CD4+ cell counts increased in significantly less time. Finally, elimination of G-CSF–mediated immune suppression did not significantly increase the incidence of GVHD (< 15%). Thus, this study found that administration of G-CSF to recipients of T-cell–depleted hematopoietic transplants was associated with abnormal antigen-presenting cell functions and T-cell reactivity. Elimination of postgrafting administration of G-CSF prevented immune dysregulation and accelerated functional immune recovery

    Novel heterozygous TREX1 mutation in a juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus patient with severe cutaneous involvement treated successfully with Jak-inhibitors: a case report

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    Juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (jSLE) is a complex inflammatory autoimmune disorder. In the last decades, genetic factors and activation pathways have been increasingly studied to understand their potential pathogenetic role better. Genetic and transcriptional abnormalities directly involved in the type I interferon (IFN) signaling cascade have been identified through family-based and genome-wide association studies. IFNs trigger signaling pathways that initiate gene transcription of IFN-stimulated genes through the activation of JAK1, TYK2, STAT1, and STAT2. Thus, the use of therapies that target the IFN pathway would represent a formidable advance in SLE. It is well known that JAK inhibitors have real potential for the treatment of rheumatic diseases, but their efficacy in the treatment of SLE remains to be elucidated. We report the case of a 13-year-old girl affected by jSLE, carrying a novel heterozygous missense variant on Three prime Repair EXonuclease 1 (TREX1), successfully treated with baricitinib on top of mofetil mycophenolate. The TREX1 gene plays an important role in DNA damage repair, and its mutations have been associated with an overproduction of type 1 interferon. This report underlines the role of translational research in identifying potential pathogenetic pathways in rare diseases to optimize treatment

    Human osteoarthritic chondrocytes exposed to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF) and therapeutic application of musically modulated electromagnetic fields (TAMMEF) systems: a comparative study.

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disease, characterized by matrix degradation and changes in chondrocyte morphology and metabolism. Literature reported that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can produce benefits in OA patients, even if EMFs mechanism of action is debated. Human osteoarthritic chondrocytes isolated from femoral heads were cultured in vitro in bidimensional (2-D) flasks and in three-dimensional (3-D) alginate beads to mimic closely cartilage environment in vivo. Cells were exposed 30 min/day for 2 weeks to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field (ELF) with fixed frequency (100 Hz) and to therapeutic application of musically modulated electromagnetic field (TAMMEF) with variable frequencies, intensities, and waveforms. Cell viability was measured at days 7 and 14, while healthy-cell density, heavily vacuolized (hv) cell density, and cluster density were measured by light microscopy only for 3-D cultures after treatments. Cell morphology was observed for 2-D and 3-D cultures by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Chondrocyte exposure to TAMMEF enhances cell viability at days 7 and 14 compared to ELF. Light microscopy analysis showed that TAMMEF enhances healthy-cell density, reduces hv-cell density and clustering, compared to ELF. Furthermore, TEM analysis showed different morphology for 2-D (fibroblast-like) and 3-D (rounded shape) cultures, confirming light microscopy results. In conclusion, EMFs are effective and safe for OA chondrocytes. TAMMEF can positively interfere with OA chondrocytes representing an innovative non-pharmacological approach to treat OA

    A prospective study comparing quantitative Cytomegalovirus (CMV) polymerase chain reaction in plasma and pp65 antigenemia assay in monitoring patients after allogeneic stem cell transplantation

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    BACKGROUND: Low levels of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) viral load are frequently detected following allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT) and CMV disease may still develop in some allogeneic SCT patients who have negative pp65-antigenemia (pp65-Ag) or undetectable DNA. Pp65Ag is a sensitive method to diagnose CMV infection. Quantitative CMV-DNA PCR assay in plasma has been proposed to monitor CMV infection in SCT patients. We evaluated the clinical utility of pp65Ag and PCR assay in plasma of SCT recipients. METHODS: In a prospective longitudinal study, 38 consecutive patients at risk of CMV infection (donor and/or recipient CMV seropositive) were weekly monitored for CMV infection by both quantitative CMV-PCR in plasma (COBAS AMPLICOR CMV MONITOR) and pp65 Ag, during the first 100 days after SCT. RESULTS: A total of 534 blood samples were simultaneously analysed for pp65Ag and PCR. Overall, 28/38 patients (74%) had active CMV infection within 100 days from SCT. In 16 patients, CMV was first detected by pp65 Ag alone; in 5 patients by both methods and in 6 by PCR assay alone; one patient had CMV biopsy-proven intestinal disease without pp65Ag and PCR assays positivity before CMV disease. Overall, three patients developed intestinal CMV disease (7.9%): one had negative both pp65Ag and PCR assays before CMV disease, one had disease and concomitant positivity of both methods, while in the remaining patient, only pp65Ag was positive before CMV disease. CONCLUSION: Plasma PCR(COBAS AMPLICOR CMV MONITOR) and pp65Ag assays were effective in detecting CMV infection, however, discordance between both methods were frequently observed. Plasma PCR and pp65Ag assays may be complementary for diagnosis and management of CMV infection
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